Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Well, it's Tuesday of my second week in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'm enjoying my new job, and love that I'm getting to see some kickin' cities. After Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, and Toronto, I have to say my current digs are the hoppin-est. Here's a couple of reasons why:

1) Church Street. I'm not sure how to explain it properly without showing pictures, but I can't find a good one online, so I'll try. It's approximately a 2 mile strip of road in Downtown Toronto where every business facing the street is flying a rainbow flag. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm normally a little turned off by heavy rainbow presence, but there's something almost emotional about seeing so much support for the city's LGBT community. In addition, this street served as "Liberty Avenue" for Queer As Folk, to which I have paid significant homage in the past. Love it.

2) Awesome food. Awesome, awesome food.

3) Beautiful architecture. Lots of historical buildings and fabulous high-rises all over the city. Unlike alot of cities I've been too, the skyscrapers don't seem to be limited to one specific downtown area. They're all over the damned place.

4) Wicked public transport system. I can get essentially ANYWHERE for $2.50 on the subway, and everywhere else on a trolley. So convenient, I wouldn't require a car to live here. I can't imagine who would.

5) And as mentioned in my previous blog, God Save the Queens, Canadians really do seem to be more liberal. Even with the disappointing results of their recent elections, Canada is still a nation that lets the gays get married, values education and social programs, and lets its citizens grow, possess and schmoke up to 5oz of weed (that's for you tink...)...

That's why I'm digging Toronto. We'll see if my new favorite city changes after I spend next week in Boston....

Also, while I'm loving seeing new places, I miss my hubby and my doggie. I'm ready to go home....... :-)


Blogger Skipper said...

Don't you miss your friends too? We miss you, and we don't want to lose you to the damn Canadians or Bostonians. Oh and don't forget my mounted policeman.

1/31/2006 11:47 PM  
Blogger Char said...

I was just thinking this morning that I wondered why you hadn't blogged about your trip and I was wondering how you were and if you were ok... So I pull up your blog "Just to see"... :)

It sounds like Toronto is a dream come true city.

5oz? Yeah!! Lmao!!

I miss you .. come home!

2/01/2006 10:23 AM  
Blogger Dustin said...

Ok, I miss my friends too, bitch. And your Mounty doesn't quite fit into my carryon...I tried.

Toronto is fab, but I'm so totally ready to come home. And even if I buy the shit in Canada, its still illegal to bring any "souvenirs" home for my friends, sorry... :-)

2/01/2006 5:52 PM  
Blogger Char said...

*damn the man*

Hurry home.. bring me a shot glass.. I'll leave 5 bucks under the rock in your front yard.


2/01/2006 5:59 PM  

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