Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back At It...

So the last month or two have been insanely busy for us all, and I've not had the mental capacity to attempt creativity or even much clarity in my writing. Instead, I've simly refrained from posting any of the rubbish that has been floating around in my mind.

Anywho...I've started my new job, and as much as I'm going to love it, its starting off rather slowly. But I've got two weeks of training coming up in Dallas and Boston, after which I expect I will ache for the lull that I'm experiencing right now...So I'll try to enjoy the quiet before the storm.

Recent Reading: The Da Vinci Code

I read the Da Vinci Code on Sunday. I loved it. I devoured it. And at first I was concerned by how much it has affected my thoughts. It has caused my mind to whirl at concepts about which I've never given much thought. It has driven me to start reading up on neopaganism, nature worship, and the divine feminine. The concern is rooted in my fear to allow a piece of fiction change the way I view reality.

But then, if the purpose of reading and learning is not to broaden the way one thinks, then what is it? Regardless of this book being a novel, shouldn't I be glad that it has helped me to think about the very nature of life? Certainly I shouldn't call this book my new bible...but isn't it the journey of learning and understanding others' beliefs that makes life worth living?

So I dug the book. If you haven't read it, you should. And James, I know you won't, but I'll take you to the movie anyway.


Blogger Skipper said...

Now, don't get me wrong. I'd read it if I had time between now and the time that the movie comes out. ACTUALLY, if you will let me borrow your copy, I'll let you borrow my copy of "Brokeback Mountain" (it's only 50-something pages). You could read it nine times between now and Friday, when finally Memphis catches up with the rest of the world.

1/10/2006 2:23 PM  
Blogger Char said...

D - You should also read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Really. It's the prequel to The Davinci Code.
Both of these books got me thinking about how skewed life can seem sometimes.

And I can't wait to see BBM but I'm going to buy the book and read it first. :) Anything with beautiful Jake in it..I'm there.

1/10/2006 3:08 PM  
Blogger Skipper said...

PS, welcome back... I've had to delete Hotass from my blog link list because he hasn't posted since July. You've redeemed yourself. A blogroll is a fickle, fickle lover.

1/10/2006 3:58 PM  

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