Friday, June 02, 2006

A Cure for the Summertime Blues

It's not even officially summer, and I certainly don't have the blues, but according to Skipper, Spider has noted that several bloggers have the summertime blues. To cure the early summer blues, he's offered up a meme to break the blahs.

Here's how it works: Answer all of the original 25 questions (10 from Spider, 5 from Brad , 5 from Skipper and 5 from me) that I have posted here, and then add five of your own.
Best summer: While I've had many great summers, I'd have to say Summer '05 takes the cake. It was the first full summer where I was completely out to my family and closest friends. It was also our first full summer with The Gaggle. And it was the summer we moved into our new house and got our precious little puggy. Aside from the fact that I remember drinking far too much alchohol (and earning a reputation as the most skilled vommiter in the Gaggle), Summer '05 was definitely a blast.

Best car I've ever owned: 2004 Saturn Ion

Best cruising song: Right now, "Just Stop" by Disturbed (what can I say, once a metalhead...)

Favorite meal: Chicken Parmesan Alfredo

Favorite season: Summer

Proudest accomplishment: Playing a really loud guitar in front of 15,000 people

Best Christmas gift: Definitely my first car...even if it was a 1994 Dodge Shadow

Most embarrassing moment: I'm afraid I don't get embarrassed...I just chalk it up to experience...

Best slow dance song: "Back at One" by Brian McKnight

Best night: June 17th, 2002

These are the five that Brad added:
Favorite pet: Well Honey, of course...Though I prefer to call her a daughter....

Favorite crush: Well, since my Hubby constitutes far more than a crush I won't count him... Probably my cousin's best friend Greg. So freakin' unattainably straight...but woof.

Best vacation: The Bahamas, Memorial Weekend 2004

Best relationship: Definitely my Hubby (although it also qualifies for most dramatic, lol)

Favorite dessert: Any kind of cheesecake

Skipper's questions
Favorite smell that reminds you of summer : Rum

Favorite song that reminds you of your first love: "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden

Most memorable summer fling: No comment.

Best way to beat the heat: This time last year, I would have said T-Man's pool...but alas... Now, definitely a trip to Greer's Ferry lake (Heber Springs, Arkansas).

Favorite summer drink: Either Vodka & Pink Lemonade or a nice cool Gewurtztraminer

My questions
Favorite excuse for leaving work early: My network is down.

Favorite place to spend a summer evening with friends: I'll have to say any place the Gaggle decides to crash on a late Sunday afternoon..

Favorite movie that brings back good summer memories: Mallrats

Most romantic place you've ever been: The catwalks of an early 1900's opera house at midnight (illegally...eek...).

Most memorable kiss: That first one with the Hubby, when we were both totally closeted and couldn't believe what we were doing...


Blogger Skipper said...

so totally diggin' and lovin' the new look!

6/02/2006 9:45 AM  

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