Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Complete Lack of Office Loo Etiquette

I thought of Hotass today...while shitting. I almost decided against writing about it, but since he also complained about office bathroom woes in a previous post, I decided WFTnot...

So, I get to the restroom this morning, far earlier than most in the office generally need a loo-break, and wouldn't you know, there's someone in "my stall". This really irks me. In fact, some days, I've walked in to find some worthless squatter sitting on my shitter, and I've simply left the watercloset with plans to return at some later point. But today, this just wasn't an option. So logically, I pick the furthest stall away from the dude on my pot, and proceed to take care of business. Of course, dude finishes up as soon as I get the texas tshirt in place and take a seat. Bastard.

Anyway, what really pissed me off is shortly after that, someone comes into the restroom and picks the stall RIGHT next to me. Nevermind the fact that we're the only two in the room, and he could have easily picked any of the 5 or 6 empty stalls that were NOT where I could see his shoes.

Now, I'm really not all that modest, and I did read "Everyone Poops" as a child, but even still, in situations where there are several available thrones that are not immediately next to the only other person in the bathroom, I consider the whole next-door-neighbor thing to be a bit of an invasion.

So I finished quickly, utilized what Hotass refers to as "cheapass sandpaper", washed up, and evacuated the premises in a huff...



Blogger Char said...

From "Perceptions of a Fat Chick" Blog, Wed March 9th, 2005

Ok.. you would think that sharing a large public restroom with women would be ok right? Wrong. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into the room and the smell is so bad, I just hold it. Or, opened the stall door to see shit, or whatever, smeared all over the toilet, and once even on the damn floor. How in the hell did shit get on the floor? And if it’s smeared on the toilet.. it’s probably smeared on someone’s Stanky ass too. I don’t get to close to the women at work these days. *gag*
(Anywho, that’ll be a whole new blog one day).

And it is bad etiquette. If you see someone in a stall ('specially for guys) take the one farthest from them. Must'a been one of the "IT" guys. Probably isn't a custom in their country.

7/13/2005 11:20 PM  
Blogger Skipper said...

Ya'll nasty. Dusty all concerned about being next to the guy while he's a-poopin'. But Dusty called me one day while he was sitting on the crapper...

Gimme a break

7/14/2005 5:25 PM  
Blogger Dustin said...

um...that was different... ;-)

7/14/2005 6:59 PM  

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